Adobe AD0-E704 Preguntas del examen [2022] Bueno para aprobar el examen maestro de Adobe Commerce Architect

Posted by: Martina Comments: 0

Pasar el examen de certificación AD0-E704 Certified Certified: Adobe Commerce Architect Certification no es una tarea fácil, pero puede lograr el éxito utilizando las preguntas del examen Adobe AD0-E704 como materiales de preparación. Debe prepararse para el examen Adobe Certification AD0-E704 bien con las últimas preguntas y respuestas AD0-704. Tenemos plena confianza para proporcionarle las preguntas de examen de práctica AD0 -E704 más válidas y permitirle aprobar el examen de Adobe Certified Master – Adobe Commerce Architect en el primer intento. Aquí puede consultar las preguntas de demostración gratuitas AD0-E704 para encontrar la calidad de la certificación Adobe AD0-E704 Preguntas del examen.

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1. Suppose you are working on a specific uicomponet form where front-end customers can update their name and phone number only when the admin user sets the editable_field_flag to 1 for his submitted data from the backend.

According to this flag, when loading the data in the form for front-end users, how would you check and customize to enable/disable the name and phone number fields?

2. Suppose you are working with order collection where you need to get the Customer collection object in foreach loop to check wheather current order's customer accout is locked or not. For this you injected MagentoCustomerModelCustomer $customer in the constructor to use $customer collection object. But in loop when this object is used, you notice that it's returning the same customer even if you pass different customer id to filter the customer collection inside loop.

What is the solution for this problem?

3. You want to display customized product list along with it's tier prices.

To render this price which class should be used and which data needs to be provided?

4. Magento can load the configuration file di.xml area-specific. During bootstrapping, each application entry point loads the appropriate di.xml files for the requested area.

Please select the set of correct areas, where this file can be loaded by Magento:

5. When your class will be instantiated all the dependencies injected in your class constructor will also get instantiated, and it will trigger a chain reaction of object creation, this can really slow down the process.

What could be the solution of above problem?

6. 1.OrangeCompany decided to build a REST API based module in the application so that he can share the details of best-selling products to his franchisee. To make it's flexible and customizable in the future, he advised his developers to enable the support of extension_attribute in the API interface so that any new attributes can be added when required.

What is the way to enable the entity/interface to support extension attributes in the module?

7. Suppose, you need to create custom configuration file called search.xml, in the a custommodule under etc/.

Which steps are needed to achieve this?

8. Suppose you need to add an admin grid using uiComponent. if page URL ends with banners/index/index, then which basic uiComponent you would use and what should be the page layout file:

9. Consider below code in a UiComponent xml file: MagedealEmployeeUiDataProviderEmployeeDataProvider employee_data_source entity_id id

What is the application of?

10. Suppose in the product rest API in Magento, you added a new attribute. But this attribute can be accessed by API consumers only when they have access permission.

How do you create the attributes following the above condition?


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