Nuevas preguntas de examen IAPP CIPP-C ser los mejores consejos para aprobar

Posted by: Martina Comments: 0

La certificación Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP) es popular, que contiene cuatro concentraciones, cada una centrada en una región específica, para ayudar a las organizaciones de todo el mundo a reforzar las prácticas de cumplimiento y mitigación de riesgos, y los profesionales de armas con la visión necesaria para agregar más valor a sus negocios . Información certificada Profesional de privacidad/Canadá CIPP-C es uno de los cuatro examen de certificación CIPP, que muestra que los titulares tienen una comprensión y aplicación de las leyes, principios y prácticas de privacidad de la información canadiense a nivel federal, provincial y territorial. Al usar nuevas preguntas del examen IAPP CIPP-C para completar el examen CIPP-C ahora son los mejores consejos. Puede prepararse para la información certificada Profesional de Privacidad/Examen CIPP-C de Canadá con preguntas y respuestas del examen CIPP-C de aprendizaje. Aquí, también tenemos preguntas de demostración de exámenes gratuitos de CIPP-C a continuación para leer.

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1. What was the original purpose of the Federal Trade Commission Act?

2. Who has rulemaking authority for the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA)?

3. Which of the following types of information would an organization generally NOT be required to disclose to law enforcement?

4. The rules for “e-discovery” mainly prevent which of the following?

5. What type of material is exempt from an individual’s right to disclosure under the Privacy Act?


Please use the following to answer the next QUESTION

Otto is preparing a report to his Board of Directors at Filtration Station, where he is responsible for the privacy program. Filtration Station is a U.S. company that sells filters and tubing products to pharmaceutical companies for research use. The company is based in Seattle, Washington, with offices throughout the U.S. and Asia. It sells to business customers across both the U.S. and the Asia-Pacific region. Filtration Station participates in the Cross-Border Privacy Rules system of the APEC Privacy Framework.

Unfortunately, Filtration Station suffered a data breach in the previous quarter. An unknown third party was able to gain access to Filtration Station’s network and was able to steal data relating to employees in the company’s Human Resources database, which is hosted by a third-party cloud provider based in the U.S. The HR data is encrypted. Filtration Station also uses the third-party cloud provider to host its business marketing contact database. The marketing database was not affected by the data breach. It appears that the data breach was caused when a system administrator at the cloud provider stored the encryption keys with the data itself.

The Board has asked Otto to provide information about the data breach and how updates on new developments in privacy laws and regulations apply to Filtration Station. They are particularly concerned about staying up to date on the various U.S. state laws and regulations that have been in the news, especially the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and breach notification requirements.

The Board has asked Otto whether the company will need to comply with the new California Consumer Privacy Law (CCPA) .

What should Otto tell the Board?

7. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requires schools to do all of the following EXCEPT?


Please use the following to answer the next QUESTION:

A US-based startup company is selling a new gaming application. One day, the CEO of the company receives an urgent letter from a prominent EU-based retail partner. Triggered by an unresolved complaint lodged by an EU resident, the letter describes an ongoing investigation by a supervisory authority into the retailer’s data handling practices.

The complainant accuses the retailer of improperly disclosing her personal data, without consent, to parties in the United States. Further, the complainant accuses the EU-based retailer of failing to respond to her withdrawal of consent and request for erasure of her personal data. Your organization, the US-based startup company, was never informed of this request for erasure by the EU-based retail partner. The supervisory authority investigating the complaint has threatened the suspension of data flows if the parties involved do not cooperate with the investigation. The letter closes with an urgent request: “Please act immediately by identifying all personal data received from our company.”

This is an important partnership. Company executives know that its biggest fans come from Western Europe; and this retailer is primarily responsible for the startup’s rapid market penetration.

As the Company’s data privacy leader, you are sensitive to the criticality of the relationship with the retailer.

Upon review, the data privacy leader discovers that the Company’s documented data inventory is obsolete .

What is the data privacy leader’s next best source of information to aid the investigation?

9. What is the main challenge financial institutions face when managing user preferences?

10. All of the following common law torts are relevant to employee privacy under US law EXCEPT?


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