Preguntas del examen real de CISM 2022 para una buena preparación del examen del Gerente de Seguridad de la Información Certificado

Posted by: Martina Comments: 0

Hemos introducido las 10 certificaciones de TI principales en 2022 antes, el Gerente de Seguridad de la Información Certificado (CISM), emitido por ISACA, es una de las 10 certificaciones de TI principales para indicar experiencia en gobernanza de seguridad de la información, desarrollo y gestión de programas, gestión de incidentes y gestión de riesgos. Para ayudarlo a lograr el éxito en el examen de certificación Certified Information Security Manager (CISM), tenemos preguntas de examen real de CISM para una buena preparación. Las preguntas del examen real de CISM han sido verificadas por los principales profesionales de TI y perfectas para todos los candidatos que planean tomar el examen de certificación Certified Information Security Manager (CISM). Las preguntas en línea gratuitas de CISM también están disponibles en línea.

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1. A contract bid is digitally signed and electronically mailed The PRIMARY advantage to using a digital signature is that

2. Which of the following BEST enables an effective escalation process within an incident response program?

3. Which of the following is the MOST important consideration when determining the approach for gaining organization-wide acceptance of an information security plan?

4. Which of the following is the MOST effective defense against spear phishing attacks?

5. Which of the following is the BEST method to defend against social engineering attacks?

6. What should be information security manager’s FIRST course of action when it is discovered a staff member has been posting corporate information on social media sites?

7. The PRIMARY purpose of vulnerability assessments is to:

8. After a server has been attacked, which of the following is the BEST course of action?

9. Which of the following is MOST critical to review when preparing to outsource a data repository to a cloud-based solution?

10. An organization's security policy is to disable access to USB storage devices on laptops and desktops.

Which of the following is the STRONGEST justification foi granting an exception to the policy?


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